The RMB at Preston is starting to look like its old self as work progresses to finish the remaining work on its overhaul.
John finished his woodworking around one door entrance and then started to remove the rot from another entrance!
As you can see, it has been necessary to rip up the lino in various places and it is intended to purchase some new floor covering for the vestibules and the servery area. David has contacted a couple of suppliers and should have some samples when he comes to Preston on Wednesday.
Tim put a couple of coats of paint (primer and undercoat) on the secondhand paint cabinet that we have acquired. There has been some discussion as to the final colour scheme in that it seems to be the vogue to have them painted yellow. We’ll see what paint can be found!
Mike has continued to complete jobs inside the RMB and has also made up a frame so that a mould can be created for a metal number ‘9’. The history behind this is that North London carriages carried a weight marker on the ends and the second class coach body that was purchased back in 1971, and which subsequently has been restored to operational condition, had a ‘9’ at each end – but one of them was broken. In fact, for some reason, neither was replaced on the vehicle during restoration and Tim came across them recently when moving various items to Preston from his garage. And so a replacement ‘9’ is being made and then both of them can be attached to our NLR coach. In fact, it may well be worth making another couple of ‘9’s in anticipation of restoring the other second class NLR coach body that is in store in Blackpool!
Work continues on Caliban, with Adrian now cleaning off the running boards and Alan and John continuing to drill holes in the new plate.
Work also continues on Wootton Hall where the buffer beam is again receiving attention.
There will be no blog next week because of holidays – can we really believe the forecast of sunshine over a Bank Holiday?!