Monday, 6th January 2025

A Happy New Year to all our readers. We hope that you have had a pleasant and peaceful time over the festive break.

We are pleased to announce that the Trust was notified of a legacy of £10,000 from the estate of the late David Rimmer, our former long-standing Treasurer and Trustee who died last April. We are sure that David would have appreciated the timing of the notification and the Trustees will no doubt wish to allocate the money to progressing one of David’s favoured projects.

The Christmas and New Year festivities have not halted progress on the overhaul of Great Western Railway 0-6-2T No. 5643 where work has continued on the removal of old stays from the firebox, with little now left to do in this respect – just the more awkward ones!

Our folk group, Live Steam, performed a well appreciated gig at the Engine Inn at Cark-in-Cartmel on New Year’s Eve, although the atrocious weather unsurprisingly reduced the size of the audience. Even so, some welcome funds were raised for the Furness Railway Trust and also the Bahamas Locomotive Society for which guitarist Pete Skellon is a Trustee.

Tim, George, Alan and Pete at the Engine Inn, Cart-in-Cartmel on New Year's Eve

Finally, some of you will have noticed that the FRT’s old website has been taken down because it had become out of date. The good news is that Chris Rycroft has been working with Mike Rigg to produce a super new website. Although still being worked up to full size, readers are now invited to have a first glimpse of the FRT’s new presence on the web. Our grateful thanks go to Chris for his skill and imagination in producing something that is very different.

link to the new website!

Monday, 23rd December 2024

We find ourselves once again heading towards the end of another year, one that will be memorable amongst other things for successful visits with Furness Railway 0-4-0 No. 20 to the West Somerset and East Lancashire Railways, some excellent progress with the overhaul of Great Western Railway 0-6-2T No. 5643, the despatch of Peckett 0-4-0ST Caliban’s boiler to Williton for overhaul as well as the production of new castings for its motion. Volunteers have met new challenges with boiler work on 5643 and also overcome, with some difficulty for the more elderly, the art of getting out of a deep Premier Inn bath.

The past couple of weeks have seen more progress with drilling out stays on 5643’s boiler (the vast majority now done) and the tapping of stay holes of which over 100 are finished and mostly fitted with new stays – just the caulking to do.

The batch of 550 new nuts has been received from Williton, with Keith seen here testing one on a stay.

Keith plays with his nuts

5643’s main steam pipe has been away for shotblasting and three of the engine’s driving wheel springs have had their holes re-bushed to give a better fit.

Keith checking a new bush on a spring

They have then been re-fitted on to the locomotive.

Keith Sim and Ed re-fit a spring

Sam has removed and cleaned FR 20’s washout plugs and the ashpan has been removed for Sim to clean and paint.

Sim puts the finishing touches to FR 20's ashpan

Jon has been giving the Coventry Climax fire pump yet another overhaul, this time including a full clean, emptying of the fuel tank, and the fitting of new leads. This will hopefully reduce the lead time in getting this 70 year old machine into action when boiler washouts are arranged.

Jon giving the Coventry Climax fire pump yet another service

The latest edition of The Iron Horse magazine is with the printer and should be out early in the New Year.

The Ribble Steam Railway’s Santa Specials concluded yesterday, with Ade driving Bagnall 0-6-0ST Courageous on its last day in service before a 10 year boiler overhaul.

Courageous saying goodbye

There will be working parties at Preston on Friday, 27 th , and Saturday, 28 th December. The normal Wednesday/Friday/Saturday pattern of working days will re-commence on Friday, 3 rd January.

Finally, our folk group, Live Steam will once again be performing at the Engine Inn, Cark-in-Cartmel on New Year’s Eve, so do come along if you are in the area.

Best wishes from the blog team go to everyone for a merry Christmas and a very prosperous and productive New Year.

Monday 9th December 2024

Work at Preston has again focussed on Great Western Railway 0-6-2T No. 5643. Ed and Ron have been drilling out some more stays.

Meanwhile, Sim, John Dixon and Keith have refitted the main brake shaft
prior to the vacuum cylinder being fitted. Needless to say, if there are two
trunnions to be fitted, the first attempt will see the trunnions the wrong way
round, but all is sorted now!

John Dixon has been tidying up the paintwork on the frames, attending to
those odd areas that seem to have been missed.

The lockers that are located in the cab have been refurbished and are now
gleaming. No dirty rags allowed in here!

    Monday 2nd December 2024

    It has been a busy couple of weeks since the last blog. Firstly there was a big
    shunt around in the shed which allowed the chassis of 5643 to be placed over
    the pit where the driving wheel springs have now been fitted. John Dixon is
    seen here taking advantage of the empty centre road to do some sweeping up.

    550 brand new firebox stays have arrived for Great Western Railway 0-6-2T
    locomotive No. 5643 from the Williton workshop of the West Somerset Railway.

    Last Friday saw Chris Rycroft and John tapping out sixty stay holes on the
    left-hand side of 5643’s firebox.

    Keith has since been trimming the stays to size and fitting them in readiness
    for caulking up. As will be appreciated, the tapping out of such a number of

    stay holes and fitting of stays is likely to keep working members busy for some while.

    This next photo shows the top two rows of stays in place, below the silver
    paint line.

    Next we are sorry to have to report that Alison has been confined to bed after
    taking a tumble at home. Needless to say, Alison hopes to be with us at the
    Ribble Pilot this next Friday evening for the FRT’s Christmas dinner. Guests
    are asked to arrive in good time to allow a prompt start at 7 pm.

    Finally, some of you may have noticed that the FRT’s web site has been taken
    down with a placeholder notifying people of how to contact the Trust. A new
    web site is under construction and it is hoped to have this available very

    Monday 18th November 2024

    Firstly this week, a view of Great Western Railway 0-6-2T locomotive No. 5643’s newly cleaned and painted chassis, now lowered onto the wheels. We are just awaiting a shed shunt to get the frames over the pit before fitting the remaining two springs.

    5643's cleaned and painted chassis

    We have all been pleased to welcome back Ron Crowe after his recent bereavement. He is seen here tapping out the main steam pipe flanges on 5643.

    Ron Crowe tapping out the main steam pipe flanges on 5643

    Jon and Sim spent quite some time last Wednesday giving the Coventry Climax fire pump yet another service in order to coax it into life.

    Jon and sim giving the Coventry Climax fire pump a service

    Saturday saw the fire pump in real action, after a little more coaxing(!!), with Sam seen here directing a high-pressure jet of water around the foundation ring of Furness Railway locomotive No. 20, with John and Jon acting as signallers to the fire pump operator. Two other boilers on site were also treated to a washout before Sam retired to put on some dry clothes.

    Sam direct a high pressure jet of water around FR 20's foundation ring

    Finally, it is pleasing to see that twenty members and guests have already registered to attend the Furness Railway Trust Christmas dinner at the Ribble Pilot at 7 pm on Friday 6th December. Would anyone else wishing to attend please let Alison know as soon as possible – see last week’s blog for details.

    Monday 11th November

    At last, the overhaul of Great Western Railway 0-6-2T locomotive No. 5643
    has reached the point where some re-assembly is starting to take place. The
    frames have been lowered fully onto the wheelsets and six of the eight springs have been re-fitted. Keith and John Dixon are seen here lifting a radial truck spring into position with the help of the gantry crane.

    John Dixon and Keith Brewer lifting a radial truck spring into position

    Outside, the bunker has been lifted off the ground to enable the bottom to be inspected, cleaned and painted – John and Keith are seen surveying the bunker in the photo below.

    John Dixon and Keith Brewer inspect the bottom of 5643's bunker

    As many of you will already be aware, the bitumen freight traffic from
    Haverton to the Total Lanfina plant at Preston has ceased, the last train
    running onto the Ribble Steam Railway on Friday, 1st November. The occasion was not without incident as the inward train from Haverton slipped to a stand on Copy Pit bank and was 195 minutes late on arrival behind the Colas Class 56 locomotive, No. 56 105.

    56 105 crosses Strand Road with the final Haverton to Preston tankers

    The extended delay must have been some of a disappointment to the many
    photographers who had turned out for the occasion, but it did allow the Ribble Rail staff and others to photograph the three Sentinel diesels, which had been specially turned out for the occasion, in various positions.

    56 105 and the three Sentinels at exchange Sidings on 01.11.24

    Progress, Enterprise and Energy at the Exchange Sidings 01.11.24

    Enterprise, Progress and Energy at the Exchange Sidings, 01.11.24

    The photographs appear here courtesy of Adrian Tomkinson who was on RR duty that day.
    Finally, it is that time of year when we must mention the ‘C’ word. Yes, the
    annual Furness Railway Trust Christmas Dinner will take place at the Ribble Pilot pub on the Docklands at Preston at 7pm on Friday, 6th December. Please let Alison Pinch (07846 072409) know if you wish to attend and let her have a £5 deposit along with your choice of food. The Festive Lunch and Dinner menu can be found on the Ribble Pilot website.


    Monday 28th October 2024

    John Dixon removing rust from 5643's bunkerThe recent better weather conditions (OK, forget today!) have enabled good progress to be made outside the shed on the refurbishment of Great Western Railway 0-6-2T No. 5643’s bunker, which John Dixon has been persevering with, seen here removing rust.

    Jon and Sim painting 5643's cab roofJon and Sim have been busy applying green undercoat to the cab roof.

    Meanwhile, inside the shed, the final piece of riveting to 5643’s frames has been completed with Chris Rycroft’s help, the re-assembled radial truck moved under the frames and the chassis partly lowered. Ed Tatham grinding off more stay heads on 5643's fireboxEd has been taking his turn grinding off stay heads on 5643’s firebox in preparation for the stays to be replaced.

    Finally, Furness Railway 0-4-0 locomotive No. 20 is expected to be transported back to Preston from Bury tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon after which a test steaming is anticipated to confirm various items of work to be undertaken during the winter period.

    Monday 14th October 2024

    Phil Burton, Alison, Ade and Anne prepare the sales stand for the visit to BuryThis last weekend has seen what was scheduled to be the last major event for the Furness Railway Trust this year, with Furness Railway No. 20 booked to appear at the East Lancashire Railway’s Autumn Steam Gala on the 11th, 12th and 13th October. As with all these occasions, there needs to be some advance preparation and Phil Burton, Alison, Ade and Anne were busy in the mess room last Wednesday sorting out sales stock and, incidentally, taking the opportunity to get rid of some long out-dated items that were taking up unnecessary room.

    Ian Massey working on Wootton Hall's tenderIan Massey was with us once again on Wednesday, seen here working on Great Western Railway ‘Hall’ 4-6-0 No. 4979 Wootton Hall’s tender where more new plate has been welded in.

    Sim painting in 5643's cabOutside, Sim and Jon were applying some red oxide to GWR 0-6-2T No. 5643’s cab roof.Brother Jon painting in 5643's cab

    One of the six brand new axle pad oilers for 5643New axle pad oilers have arrived for 5643’s driving wheels this week.

    Alison with the FRT sales stand at BuryAnd so to Bury where Alison is seen with the FRT’s sales stand, which she looked after on Friday and Saturday. Phil and Anne appeared on Sunday to continue with the sales to the many visitors to the Gala.

    FR 20 stands at Bury on Friday, 11th October preparing to double head a shuttle to Ramsbottom with the L&Y 'Pug' No. 19FR 20 worked either on two Mark 1 carriage shuttles to Ramsbottom, seen here with former RSR resident L&Y ‘Pug’ No. 19…

    FR 20 with the brake vans and Barclay 0-4-0ST No. 1969 JN Derbyshire… or operating brake van rides top and tailed with recent Ribble Steam Railway resident Barclay 0-4-0ST No. 1969 JN Derbyshire.

    FR20 at Bury Bolton Street station on Sunday 13th October, courtesy of John Earnshaw PhotographySeen again, at Bury Bolton Street station. Photo kindly shared by John Earnshaw Photography, with thanks.

    Matt Hainsworth refits the right hand cylinder cover on FR 20 on Saturday morning as Bill Beverage looks on.Gremlins struck on Friday afternoon when a noise from FR 20’s right hand side suggested that an examination was required. It was decided to miss the loco’s turn on the evening fish and chip special to Ramsbottom and head back to the shed where removal of the front right hand cylinder cover revealed that a small gap had opened up been the piston and the retaining nut. An 80 thou’ bronze washer was quickly machined up by Bill Beverage and fitted. Matt Hainsworth is seen refitting the cylinder cover on Saturday morning (with Bill looking on) and, after what was the equivalent of a Formula One pit stop, the loco was quickly back in service with the 11.37 brake van trip to Burrs. Our thanks go to Matt, Bill and Andy Booth for their assistance in getting the loco back on the road so quickly.

    FR 20 alongside fellow guest BR 9F 2-10-0 No. 92134 at Ramsbottom on Saturday evening, 12th October.The ELR had also brought in former Bury resident BR 9F 2-10-0 No. 92134 seen alongside FR 20 at Ramsbottom on Saturday evening.

    Needless to say, there is some excellent coverage of the ELR Gala on the internet, with this particular video giving plenty of attention to FR 20, including 20 blowing a lovely smoke ring – see if you can spot it!

    Thanks go to all the FRT team, including Sam and Ben, who put in so much time effort over the weekend and who also ensured that FR 20 gleamed for the large number of visitors who had come to see the loco at the Gala.

    Monday 7th October 2024

    It has been another busy week at Preston for working members of the Furness Railway Trust.

    Wednesday was tidy up day after the shed had been opened to the public during the Ribble Steam Railway’s Autumn Steam Gala. The unsold second-hand books now fit on the bookshelves in the mess room and so the table is clear of boxes! The opportunity was also taken to clear out some sales items that were long past their shelf life.

    Keith reassembles 5643's radial truckThe recent better weather has allowed progress outside the shed on Great Western Railway 0-6-2T No. 5643’s side tanks, bunker and cab roof. Inside the shed, Keith has started to reassemble 5643’s radial truck and, with the new axle pads for the driving wheels received, it should now be possible to lower the frames. Having completed the reaming out of the remaining first batch of stay holes in the firebox the previous Thursday, attention was now turned to completing the riveting work elsewhere on the loco on Friday.

    FR 20 at Bury Loco shedMeanwhile, last Wednesday saw final preparations for the departure of Furness Railway 0-4-0 No. 20, which left Preston by low loader to go to the East Lancashire Railway (ELR) for its forthcoming gala appearance after lunch the following day. John Dixon and Sam were at Bury in order to re-fit the guard irons and sand pipes, fill the tender tank and to light a warming fire.

    The ELR had asked for an early test run to Ramsbotton to be undertaken to check that FR 20 could cope with the proposed load (two Mark 1 carriages) and to assess the time required to make the journey. So Sam picked up Tim at Horwich Parkway station on Friday morning and the loco was lit up around 08.30. It was certainly the centre of attention in the loco yard as it was cleaned (again!) and prepared for the test run. Andy Booth and Liam Barnes were assigned the duties of driver and fireman, with Sam and Tim also on board to assist with proceedings.

    Sam with his hand around a cup of tea at Bury Bolton Street station, with FR 20 and Douglas and their respective trains.The run had not been advertised and was even a surprise to the signalman at Bury when the engine appeared. However, two Mark 1 coaches were duly collected and moved to platform 4 at Bury Bolton Street station, where tea was duly taken by all concerned. Andy Booth’s Hunslet 0-6-0 tender loco Douglas was also in the station with the five coach dining train, which left at 12.30.

    FR 20 at Summerseat with the test train.It had been decided to stop at all stations on the way to Ramsbottom to ensure that there would be no problems in re-starting the train on the gradient, and the opportunity was taken to photograph the train in Summerseat station.

    Journey's end. A gleaming FR 20 at Ramsbottom with the test trainRamsbottom was duly reached in a time of 25 minutes without breaking sweat, so it was time for another cup of tea (what, more tea? Ed.) and a chat with Responsible Officer for the day, Richard Law. Once the dining train had passed through Ramsbottom on its way back towards Bury, it was time to complete the return trip, this time non-stop. It was decided on return that there was no need for a second test run and so the carriages were deposited back into the siding and FR 20 returned to the shed. All in all, a very satisfactory day.

    Finally, a date for your diary. Phil Probert informs us that there will be a talk on the new build LNER G5 locomotive at Ghyll View Farm, Gill Lane, Longton, Preston PR4 4ST at 07.30 pm on Thursday, 10th October. All welcome.

    We leave you this week with another reminder of the forthcoming Autumn Steam Gala at the East Lancashire Railway this next weekend:

    Monday 30th September 2024

    A short catch up this week.

    A gleaming FR 20 pauses between duties at the RSR Autumn Steam GalaThe Ribble Steam Railway Autumn Steam Gala took place this last Saturday and Sunday, so there was considerable effort made to prepare and clean Furness Railway locomotive No. 20 so that it looked its best for the occasion.

    JN Derbyshire and The King lead a train into Preston Riverside station on Sunday, 29th SeptemberThe Gala saw the first publicised appearances of newly overhauled Borrows 0-4-0 well tank No. 48 of 1906 The King and Andrew Barclay 0-4-0ST No. 1969 of 1929 JN Derbyshire. Both of these locomotives were in ex-works condition and worked back to back for passenger workings, being accorded by some the nickname the ‘Preston Double Fairlie’. With other home-based locos Bagnall 0-6-0ST No. 2680 Courageous and Grant Richie 0-4-0ST No. 272 also in steam, along with the chance to ride in the FRT’s Great Eastern Railway royal saloon No. 5 and partake of tea, coffee, ploughman’s lunch and cream tea, there was plenty to see and do. In fact a number of visitors were noted to have spent both days at the Gala.

    Visitors explore the FRT second hand book stall in the FRT shed on Sunday, 29th September 2024There was also a large second-hand book stall in the FRT shed which raised some welcome funds and it was a great opportunity to meet up with friends and visitors and display the current work being undertaken by the Trust.

    All too soon the Gala was over and it was time to start preparing FR 20 for its trip to the East Lancashire Railway at Bury, which is scheduled to take place on Wednesday. There will then be a test steaming and run up the line before the Autumn Steam Gala there on the 11th, 12th and 13th October.